-- Changes committed to source control since previous release FIX - Corrected number of players to 6 for Floorball. [3475030] FEAT - Added Repeat button for sequence playback -- allows sequence to play continuously in a loop FEAT - Added tooltips for field objects so that it's easier to identify them. FEAT - Added basic framework for zooming and rotating the displayed view of the field (while holding Ctrl: left click to zoom in, right click to zoom out; mouse wheel zooms: hold Alt to zoom on point; left-click holding Alt to centre on point); menu items to reset the view, and to change the orientation between horizontal and vertical. FEAT - Added the ability to provide a custom label for field objects within a saved sequence (allows re-numbering of players). Only objects with labels can be renamed. FIX - Fixed redraw issue when moving objects with movement lines enabled CHG - Changed file name formatting when exporting images to include leading zeros and be 3 digits long to permit easier sorting of files. 0.2.1008 - Added new playing surfaces (Futsal and American football) FEAT - Added FIFA Futsal pitch FEAT - Added American football (NFL) field (players are a bit random and possibly labelled wrong -- need someone with expertise) CHG - Relabelled sports to be more specific and add governing body designation related to field markings and layout 0.2.1007 - Added German translation, Floorball support, and automated playback. Fixes issues including XP SP3 install issue FEAT - Added 20 triangular cones to the soccer field for documenting drills FIX - Updated Saved Layout Information dialog to use labels of field objects instead of "tags" FEAT - Added German translation of main user interface - translation courtesy of Ralph Rinschen FEAT - Added Floorball field - code courtesy of Ulrich Jenzer FEAT - Added support for "playing back" (or animating) the sequence - idea and some code courtesy of Ulrich Jenzer FIX - Fixed installer on Windows XP SP3 CHG - Changed/added more icons in tool bar FEAT - Added support for moving to the beginning or the end of a sequence 0.2.1005 - Various minor fixes and lots of build/release improvements BUILD - Updated build environment to use more recent tools, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5, Wix 3.0.4805.0, FxCop 1.36, and NAnt 0.86 Beta1 FIX - Exit menu item wasn't working. FIX - Fixed locating of installed documents and library files when installed using updated installers (that have bin folder). BUILD - Added code analysis using FxCop to build process. BUILD - Removed Votive project from solution to allow building solution without WiX. BUILD - Added WiX build to NAnt build files, re-organized installer building slightly. BUILD - Added NAnt build files to build main targets and build "release" target files. BUILD - Various modifications to version generation, MSI installer building. FEAT - Added Volleyball court - code courtesy of Lukas Kawalec (kadeon) CHG - Made the hockey benches and penalty boxes slightly deeper and wider to fit players better. CHG - Moved "root" menu back to "Sequence" menu and moved position of "Playing Surface" menu to end. FEAT - Added menu items in Help menu linking to installed documents (readme, changelog, license) 0.2.0 - First useful version FEAT - Copying current layout to clipboard as an image for easily importing into other programs, such as PowerPoint. FEAT - Ensure that "Saved Layouts" are only available for the currently selected sports field type. FEAT - Improve layout sequence creation and management. FEAT - Exporting image sequences as bitmaps. FEAT - Clean up initial hockey player placement, bench layout and devise new labelling system to support sports like hockey. FEAT - Implement saving and loading of "Saved Layouts" as they currently don't save to disk. FEAT - Provide sample layouts for library and improved installation and usage instructions related to the library and file locations. FEAT - Added Windows installer FIX - Corrected missing centre line on soccer field. 0.1.1 - Minor fixes and features 0.1.0 - Initial Release FEAT - Supports more than one sport (currently Soccer and Hockey), more to be added. FEAT - Records sequences of positions for documenting tactical strategies or plays. FEAT - Save and loads tactical sequences from files - allows building a library of plays or drills. FEAT - Supports pre-defined layouts that position players, ball/puck and officials.